About Me

Brian MashburnI am a joyfully suffering soul.

I love God and love people.

I’m after the best possible life. And I’m after that life for me and for the people around me.

These motivations have led me to my ongoing search for God, which has led me to Christ, which has led back to God, which has somehow given me a taste of the life I long for.

Currently, I want to be just like Christ in heart, character, mission, and priorities. And I’m working to believe in and surrender to him, his teachings, his ways, and his message.

It has made me into a joyfully suffering soul.

Joyful, because I am quite satisfied in the adventurous life I have. And quite discontent in my unsatisfied longing for more.

The current cast of characters from whom I find myself learning most often and most intimately include Carrie, Shade, Callie, and Jakin – my wife, my son, my daughter, and my son. They are my favorite and most terrifying teachers.

I confess that I write out of my longing to be real, to be heard, to love others, to be tested, to be sharpened, and to explore what matters.

I have found truth, on occasion. Enough to know that I have found very little of it, and what I have found is incomplete. Therefore, I’m on the move looking for what is truer.

So that I can become truer.

22 Comments to “About Me”

  1. Hey bub.

  2. Karla and Kerry Lowery are good friends of ours. We thought we were moving to Amarillo and they told us about you. We found you and have been listening to you every week. Kind of wish we were going to move after all!

  3. Friday 2/19/10 6:30 PM
    Good evening, it’s Doug Dillman, in Austin. I am from Houston, and know Brian from Wast Houston church. I live here in Austin at a facility called Marbridge, a place that I can get the care I need for rehabilitation after my head injury from a car accident. Since being from Houston, and also attending West Houston church, I know Brian quite well, and want for everyone reading this to know how inspirational that he, and his God, have been on my life the past 10 years, especially. It is quite amazing to see how God has worked in my life, and has remained a great force in all I am involved in. I would also like to share my gratitude for your prayers, and thoughts. Please stay in touch with me through email, or phone, as I will be living here for some time. Thank you again,
    Doug Dillman thisisdoug@hotmail.com

  4. Karla and Kerry Lowery are good friends of ours. We thought we were moving to Amarillo and they told us about you. We found you and have been listening to you every week. Kind of wish we were going to move after all!

  5. Brian was my youth pastor at West Houston Church of Christ from the mid 80s to the early 90s. Brian was a great inspiration to me and helped me by continuing to point me to Christ.

    • Гол дүрийн эмэгтэй:t-ara eunjungГол дүрийн эрэгтэй:2pm taecyeon Захирал:Hyomin Нарын бичиг:iuГол дүрийн эрэгтэйн эгч:daraГол дүрийн эмэгтэйн гэр бүлүүд:egch jiyeon. ah woojong 2pжÑусад/аÐÐил‘‡Ð¸m´ 12 хүн/:kara-iin 5. t-ara iin uldsen 4. 2ne1ii bom cl minzy

  6. My mom, a recently returned missionary to Cape Town, first told me about Brian’s inspirational tone a couple months back. Then she mentioned him again a few days back. I do not believe in chance. I listened to a few messages this evening and know why God wanted me to hear him. Interestingly enough I started with the July 25 ’10 message, I liked the title and seeing it came before a message from the elders thought there might be something there. I am a missionary to Kenya, recently returned and in transition. These messages support for me the direction I see God working in. We live in exciting times. Blessings

  7. Likely you and I are related (distantly). Care to share anything about your ancestors?

    –Harry (Asheville, NC)

  8. I’m an uncle of Brenda Davis. Thanks for the Wineskins essay. Look forward to reading more.

    • Posted by on July 11, 2012 at 12:59 pm Ken, it sounds like you have some pretty exciting things going on. I like the idea of the &#sMi0;22nd8et Monday” and I bet people will really look forward to it. Can’t wait to see what else you have planned. I agree with your statement that you have to “take what you have and work with it”. Business doesn’t run on wishful thinking. If you have a plan, and a willingness to learn and grow, you’ve won half the battle!Carol Lynn recently posted..

  9. i know Brian when he visited wedza with his powerful preaching. It was really encouraging and motivatings. I like very much your messages. Sume lets be like Christ in heart ,character and mission, Thank you brother

  10. Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nohngti?

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