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A Great Invitation, Great Commandment, Great Commission Church

21 November 2014

A Great Commission church ensures that the work that it does makes disciples of Christ.

A Great Commandment church ensures that its disciple-making work is motivated only by Christlike love.

A Great Invitation church ensures that Christlike love is attained and maintained by connection to Christ.

A member of a Great Invitation, Great Commandment, Great Commission church has a mystical-intimacy with Christ, that fosters a supernaturally-steadfast love for God and others, that animates a Kingdom-advancing disciple making life.

May all churches that claim Christ become GC3 churches, producing members that become GC3 Christ-followers.



2 Comments to “A Great Invitation, Great Commandment, Great Commission Church”

  1. Great! We claim GC3 Church as Christ followers.

  2. Glad that you’re back posting…I’ve missed them for too long! I appreciate your ministry, Brian, even from cold Northern Ilinois!

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