My Plan for 2013
“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life ? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’” – James, the brother of Jesus
My plan for ending 2012 and launching 2013 is pretty comical in light of how I actually spent them.
December 30 and 31 I spent with a 17 year old girl and her 21 year old brother. These two lost their dad to cancer on Christmas Day, and they “needed a preacher” to do his funeral on New Years Eve day.
January 1 and 2 I spent in my bed. I was coughing, and sneezing, and blowing, and aching, pouring all kinds of fluids and pills into my body to try to stop it all.
It’s not my plan was bad. My plan was to spend the last two days very intentionally with my family (some of which I still got to do), and the first two days planning my year (none of which I got to do). It was good and God-centered plan, I thought. With good and God-centered intentions.
But it wasn’t God’s plan. And there is a difference.
Now I’m not knocking God-centered planning. This was just my crystal-clear reminder that I shouldn’t ever get so committed to my God-centered plans that they take the place of my commitment to God’s plans.
I woke up this morning, the 3rd day of the New Year, already completely behind is my plans are the benchmarks. But if I’m dying daily, listening for God daily, hearing Him and simply obeying, I’m right on time.
I ended up on the phone with a friend over my lunch hour, sharing my deepest thoughts and heart, and from within this trusted friendship, this space-making listening, and Christ-centered brotherhood – I heard God’s plan for me for this year quite clearly.
He said, “Spend more time with Me. More time listening. Then do what I say.”
What a beautiful way to end 2012, loving on and serving two newly orphaned “kids” who don’t have a “minister”. And what a beautiful way to begin 2013, flat on back helpless to do anything but submit to the healing that my body was so desperately dependent on God for.
May my whole year go so well. And yours, too.
Death and Tragedy, Discipleship, My Life, The Best Life, The Holy Spirit
Great blog sorry u were sick,
Sorry you are sick get well soon
This is typical of why I regard you so highly even though we have never met. You always challenge and are so unpretentious. The unpretentious part is quite rare.
I ended the year doing a funeral as well (the Saturday before the end of the year)and then we had friends over for New Years Eve whom we thought needed the place to be and needed others around. Of course, we were the ones most blessed I’m sure.
BTW, I really like your plan!
ok brother. You ended the year with love cardboe concern together with commitment.
ok brother you ended the year with love , care , concern and commitment