How Will I Best Impact People
I admit it. I want to impact people. I want to impact people for good. I want to impact people for a particular kind of good. I want to impact people with Christ. With his life, his message, his example, and his ways.
Should I write? Should I write books? Should I write blogs? Would this be how I could best impact people?
Should I talk? Should I preach at a local church? Should I teach at a local church? Should I accept speaking engagements? Should I do training seminars? Should I be the guest speaker at retreats? Should I host my own retreats based on a variety of meaningful themes? Should I continue my education and become a professor at a college? Would this be how I could best impact people?
Should I lead? Should I organize a church family in a way that impacts them and others through them? Should I spearhead a ministry program or push and initiative among people, getting them to buy in for their good and others that they end up serving? Would this be how I could best impact people?
Should I counsel? Should I walk into the mess of people’s lives and help them navigate it? Should I create and multiply support groups for the wide range of specialized needs that I encounter? Should I continue my education and counsel professionally? Would this be how I could best impact people?
Should I mentor? Should I clear my schedule for nothing but one on one relationships? Should I proactively and lovingly pursue people who need mentoring? Should I reactively and lovingly respond to people who pursue me for mentoring? Should I create mentoring groups? Would this be how I could best impact people?
Whatever I do, do I do it here in my current hometown? Do I do it in my old hometown? Do it find a new hometown? A new country? Would this be how I could best impact people?
“Just pick one!” I hear myself say to me. Okay. But how?
“Just do whichever one you like the most!” I hear myself say to me. Okay, but that just seems either selfish, or hard to discern. I “like” them all.
“Do them all!” I hear myself say to me. Okay. But I know for a fact that a yes to anything is a no to something else, and the doing of everything is the choice to do nothing really, really well.
“Just stop thinking about it so hard!” I hear myself say to me. Okay. And on this one, I really mean, okay. Because the possibilities seem so vast and weighty and overwhelming that it certainly is just easier to flip on the TV and forget about it.
But it just keeps coming back. Nagging. Inviting. Pushing.
And for this I am grateful. It means I still care. It means I still love.
And above all else, no matter what I do, no matter what I choose, no matter where I land, live, or linger – I want to keep loving.
How should you make your difference?
Just make sure you are fully alive in Jesus and pay attention and you I would imagine that you will do some if not all of them but the main thing is to stay alive with His live. you are doing good.
Oh man! That was a picture of my brain Brian!! I can think and think and think and think and guess myself to death only to realize that I’m thinking too hard!
Sadly, sometimes I DO end up being a brainless matter on the couch tuning out the thoughts in my head. When I get ideas of helping out somewhere…I hear, “What do you know about …?” “How can you help others when you can’t even help yourself?” It’s overwhelming and sometimes I succumb to the negative forces whispering ugly things in my ear!
Reading the part, though, where you said you’re grateful for the thoughts…means you still care…almost brought me to tears because I thought I just didn’t care anymore.
Thank you for your post, Brian! Have a blessed day!
Many of us wrestle with the same questions…am I maximizing my effectiveness? Is this how God wants me to do ministry? I have a good friend who always says: WHEREVER YOU ARE..BE THERE! I have decided that moving, changing, looking for greener pastures is a major weakness. Unless we are stifled and can’t serve–we need to fully engage where we are at right now. Maybe we like others have been placed here by God..for just a time as this. Peace.
Brian put your life in God’s hands. You know that. Ask God those questions be patient and he will lead you. It’s not really a choice you have to make. Of course I hope God leads you back to Houston!